Hailing from a small town in Jammu, Suhani Sharma and Shashi Prabha have proved that no boundaries
can stop if you aspire to dream big and turn it into reality with the belief that, women can be great
entrepreneurs because of the calculated amount of risks they take.
These two young ladies desired to put up their unique brand, named “Desi Rivaaz”, The House of
Fashion Style, the cultural heritage of the world, ‘Style which is timeless’ that can take the legacy of traditional and western styling attire from India to all over the globe.
And what inspired the birth of Desi Rivaaz is the root of every local style being it traditional or western, from India or abroad. From sarees and suits to t-shirts and pants, the weavings and embellishments in these outfits can make ladies in India and abroad go gaga.
With the courage of conviction to believe that they can make a difference from the existing fashion
market and create a sustainable impact in multiple ways to the other part of the world.
A splash of color that always reminds us about the beauty of design and its root in the culture that
surrounds us, it helps us to bring you the most sought after designs to complete your special occasions. Now no matter where ever you are, we want our brand to make you look flawless and dazzling and provide the fledgling coming brand a space and platform